Color plays a very important role in branding, designing, printing, etc. When you are working on a website, color plays a very important role in it. Your chosen color makes the website very good. If you are creating any marketing material, color plays an important role too, making the customer want to know more about the product. In this way, the colors chosen by you have an important impact on the success of your project. Working with colors is more challenging than choosing a color from a pencil. It is a very difficult task. Different places, such as digital screens, printing, materials, clothing, and many more, require different approaches to color. For this reason, colors and color systems are widely used.
The hexadecimal color code, commonly known as a Hex color, is a way to represent colors in the RGB(Red, Green, Blue). Hex colors are widely used in digital design because they look great on screen and are a precise way to define good colors. The RGB color model is based on the theme that mixing red, green, and blue colors can create a new color. A single code consists of a 6-digit code.
HEX Code | Pantone Color | Pantone Name | RGB Values | Color Preview |
#FF5733 | Pantone 1665 C | Bright Orange | (255, 87, 51) | |
#0073CF | Pantone 285 C | Blue | (0, 115, 207) | |
#50C878 | Pantone 354 C | Emerald Green | (80, 200, 120) | |
#FFC300 | Pantone 7406 C | Yellow | (255, 195, 0) | |
#5A3E36 | Pantone 7599 C | Brown | (90, 62, 54) | |
#9B111E | Pantone 187 C | Crimson Red | (155, 17, 30) | |
#4B0082 | Pantone 2745 C | Indigo | (75, 0, 130) | |
#DAA520 | Pantone 7555 C | Goldenrod | (218, 165, 32) | |
#4682B4 | Pantone 7690 C | Steel Blue | (70, 130, 180) | |
#6A5ACD | Pantone 2725 C | Slate Blue | (106, 90, 205) | |
#008080 | Pantone 7715 C | Teal | (0, 128, 128) | |
#C71585 | Pantone 7436 C | Medium Violet | (199, 21, 133) | |
#FFD700 | Pantone 116 C | Gold | (255, 215, 0) | |
#556B2F | Pantone 5743 C | Dark Olive Green | (85, 107, 47) | |
#FF4500 | Pantone 172 C | Orange Red | (255, 69, 0) | |
#DC143C | Pantone 200 C | Crimson | (220, 20, 60) | |
#483D8B | Pantone 2768 C | Dark Slate Blue | (72, 61, 139) | |
#32CD32 | Pantone 7488 C | Lime Green | (50, 205, 50) | |
#8B0000 | Pantone 1817 C | Dark Red | (139, 0, 0) | |
#20B2AA | Pantone 3268 C | Light Sea Green | (32, 178, 170) |
Hexadecimal color is a six-digit color code that is defined by a mixture of red, green, and blue colors. Its first 2 digits represent red color, the next two digitals represent green color and the last two digitals represent blue color. Each pair of its digits can be from 00 to F in hexadecimal notation which converts to 0 to 255 in decimal form. For example, the Hex code #FF5733 is composed of 255 red, 87 green, and 51 blue in the RGB model.
Colors are most commonly used in web designing, graphic designing, and any digital design that involves screen display. They are used to display colors on a web browser through HTML and CSS, Because they are very precise, Hex codes allow designers to create and display the same visuals across different devices and browsers. They play a vital role in maintaining accuracy and brand identity online where even a slight color change can change the perception of your brand.
Examples of Hex Colors
Each of these colors is made up of a unique combination of red, green, and blue values, making them easily identifiable and replicable on digital screens.
The Pantone Colors is a globally recognized standard used in the printing area for accurate color matching and identification. Pantone colors are identified by three or four digits, often followed by a letter: C for coated, U for uncoated, or M for matte, which indicates how the color will look on different types of paper.
Pantone colors are made by mixing different inks with specific pigments. These inks are mixed in specific quantities to produce a particular color. They are given a Pantone number. These include pigments that are pre-mixed and process colors that are created by mixing exactly. which are created by combining CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) inks in printing. They become an option for branding and other packaging.
Examples of Pantone Colors
Each of these colors is associated with a specific Pantone number, making it easy to reproduce them accurately across different materials and printing processes.
Hex codes are, therefore, six-digit representations of colors in the RGB color model, most common use in web design. Every hex code begins with a hash symbol (#) and then three pairs of hexadecimal digits, which include the first two representing red, the next two representing green, and last two representing blue. For example, #FF5733 is bright orange-red.
On the other hand, the Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a standardized color reproduction system used in various industries, mainly in printing. The Pantone colors are identified by specific unique codes (e.g., Pantone 186 C). Being the most accurate reproduction system for different printing processes, Pantone is therefore considered a must-have reference guide for designers when working on branding projects, packages, or any other material to be printed.
To use hex to pantone conversion tool, When you design digitally but will be printing, you should convert your hex colors to their Pantones. This way, the color will match digitally and printed. Convert pantone a hex helps you out by providing you with an accurate Pantone that matches your given hex codes, saving time and also minimizing error caused by color variations.
Now you have to choose the Hex to Pantone conversion tool. The conversion tool is very useful in converting any hexadecimal colors into their nearest Pantone equivalents. By using convert hex to pantone tool, your design will definitely become consistent with the rest of the colors in their applicability for print or brand requirements. Thus, first access the tool and familiarize oneself with the interface. This is very important because that is the base of the whole process. Once the tool has been defined, you are ready for the next step. You can now introduce the color that you want to convert.
Now enter the hex to the tool if that is where you want to key in the color stripped down to using a colour picker. Indeed, the right colour contributes to ensuring that the Pantone match is accurate. Verify hex code or just look at it screenwise. If uncertain, try out the shades until you find it pleasing to the eye. Once your favourite is selected, the tool is now getting ready to process your input in preview mode.
Preview your color for accuracy after choosing a color. The tool will show you the color you have selected clearly, and you can verify if it is exactly what you want. The preview is your visual confirmation of what you have chosen. Pause for a moment to verify that the color is really what you want. If adjustments are necessary, you can return to change your selection. A clear preview ensures that you are on the right track, ready for the subsequent stage in the process.
Right Down Number of Colors to Show. Make the decision on how many colors you will show at a time by this tool. The tool allows you to show customized numbers of Pantone matches or related shades at the same time. Having these helpful features is particularly useful when working with a range of colors on a project. Whether wide or narrow selection lists are wanted, you are free to adjust as per your needs in settings. Think carefully about how many options need to be available for viewing according to the application requirements of your project. Once the number is set, this tool will display the colors accordingly.
The Number of Color Previews You Get in Total. At this point, the tool is supposed to show the number of previews of colors that you'll have altogether as per the options you chose. A preview will stretch anywhere from a potential Pantone match to what is considered an equivalent shade. So take your time with the details; figure out which ones you feel are going to work best for you. The total previews enable you to compare many shades and find the closest match for your design. Such detailed summary will let you have everything you need to make an informed decision of colors to use.
Copy Your Selected Colors. Select and copy all colors you wish to have. Click on a color and it automatically copies to your clipboard the desired hex or Pantone code. It's just as easy as this for digging into your design software or sending to some other person. You click a color, and all other operations would be automated by the tool. It is going to make the copying process so seamless that it will be accurate and efficient, all the while preserving the resource and time effort as well as the quality of your color selection.
Consistency: This helps in ensuring that your brand colors remain constant in both digital as well as print mediums.
Efficiency: Saves much time since it provides results very fast on correct Pantone matches without which a good designer would have to search for it manually.
Accuracy: The chances of color mismatch are narrowed since color conversion between formats is usually followed by errors.
Improved Collaboration: Allows good communication among designers and printers because Pantone colors are standards in the printing industry.
In a nutshell, a convert hex color to pantone is indispensable for any designer since it ensures color integrity during the entire design process. The converters are useful in bridging the gap between digital and print media through their provision of accurate Pantone matches for hex codes, which gives a cohesive and professional output. Whether you're working on brand identity, marketing materials, or any form of design piece that involves color, then it makes sense to spend your precious time seeking the right converter to really improve your workflow and the output.
Distance refers to the difference between the HEX color value and the closest Pantone color. Since HEX and Pantone systems use different methods to define colors, converting from HEX to Pantone involves finding the Pantone color that is the closest match to the HEX color based on a color matching system.
Pantone colors are used for their consistency and reliability in various printing processes. Unlike HEX codes, which are designed for digital screens and can vary with different devices, Pantone colors are standardized and ensure that colors appear the same across different media and printers. This makes Pantone ideal for branding and packaging where precise color reproduction is crucial.
HEX color codes are six-digit codes used in web design and digital media to specify colors. The code consists of three pairs of characters: the first pair represents the red component, the second pair represents the green component, and the third pair represents the blue component. Each pair ranges from 00 to FF in hexadecimal notation, representing values from 0 to 255 in decimal.
Yes, HEX codes can be converted to Pantone colors using conversion tools and color matching guides. These tools help identify the closest Pantone color equivalent to a given HEX value, though the result may not be an exact match due to differences in color systems.
Convert HEX to Pantone with the help of a HEX conversion tool by simply pasting your HEX code in it and it will find and gives you the closest Pantone color match based on the values of your HEX code.
You will usually see Pantone color codes published in a Pantone color matching guides; however, you can sometimes find the Pantone code too by inputting your color's HEX, RGB or CMYK value into a Pantone color converter tool which will then return the closest Pantone match.
No, Pantone is not an RGB color. Pantone is proprietary and people in the printing world use to show colors. While RGB represents colors for digital screens, in design, Pantone is used to provide exact color specifications for materials and print applications.
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